Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grandma's Coconut Popsicles- Los Helados de Coco de la Abuela

Sometimes my kids cannot find anything to eat even though I just did grocery shopping. I'm trying to have healthy options available for them . Since I'm in a budget I'm trying to make all the snacks myself, so yesterday I remembered about these coconut Popsicles my grandma used to make that my kids love.

1 can condensed milk ( I prefer La Lechera) - 1 lata leche condensada
1 can evaporated milk- 1 lata leche evaporada
1 can whole milk - 1 lata de leche entera
1/2 can coconut milk - 1/2 lata leche de coco
Shredded coconut that I don't measure I just add as much as I want - coco rallado
Mix all the ingredients and pour them in little plastic cups - Mezcle los ingredientes
When finished put craft sticks in each cup- Pongale palitos de madera a cada vaso
Put them in the freezer for a couple of hours . Metalos al freezer por unas horas
Enjoy them!!- Disfrutalos!!

** Did you know coconut is a natural stress buster??
** Sabias que el coco combate naturalmente el stress??

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